Endhukante Premanta is turning out to be quite an important project in Ram’s career. He will be making his debut as a hero in Tamil with this film as it’s a bilingual film. A Karunakaran is directing the film and Ram, Tamannaah are playing the lead roles in this romantic entertainer. Recently, we had reported that the film is set to release on May 31 and now, Ram has revealed that the film’s audio might be launched in the first half of May. GV Prakash has composed the music and all the songs in the film have reportedly come out extremely well. A Karunakaran and GV Prakash had earlier teamed up for Darling and that went on to be a superhit. Expectations are high on Endhukante Premanta since two of Tollywood’s heartthrobs, Ram and Tamannaah are teaming up for the first time. Sravanthi Ravikishore is producing the film. The film’s Tamil version might hit the screens in mid-June.