The audio launch of S S Rajamouli’s upcoming magnum opus Eega has been postponed by a week. Earlier, he had announced that the audio will be launched on March 22; however, the team decided to postpone the audio launch date to March 30 since the CG shots in the trailer required more time. Few days ago, Rajamouli had announced that the film will hit the screens on April 5, but now it’s likely to be postponed to April 12. Nani, Samantha and Sudeep have played the lead roles in this film. M M Keeravani has composed the music and Senthil is the cinematographer. The film has been getting extremely good business offers from all areas indicating the confidence which distributors and exhibitors have on S S Rajamouli. Eega is a bilingual film and it’ll be simultaneously released in Telugu and Tamil.