Vidya Balan starrer Kahani, which vowed the audience and critics alike earlier this year, will soon be remade in Telugu and Tamil. Endemol Productions, the makers of reality shows like Big Boss and Fear Factor, has snapped the remake rights of the film and this will be their first film production. The production house is reportedly in talks with leading actors in South to reprise Vidya Balan’s role and for the past few days, there have been rumours that Anushka’s name is being considered. However, neither Anushka nor Endemol Productions have made a formal announcement about the film. The Telugu remake will go on floors in September this year and the film will be ready to hit the screens in January, 2013. Sujoy Ghosh had directed the Hindi version and he has stepped in to co-produce the Telugu and Tamil versions. More details about the cast and crew will be announced soon.
Kahani to be remade in Telugu
Published on May 19, 2012 9:57 am IST