Sundar C’s recent Tamil film Kalakalappu is doing phenomenal business in Tamil Nadu. Vimal, Shiva, Anjali and Oviya had played lead roles in this comedy film. Buoyed by the success of the film, UTV South, which distributed the Tamil version, is reportedly keen on remaking the film in Telugu. Dhananjayan Govind, Head of UTV South, had said, “Getting good enquiries to remake Kalakalappu in Telugu. We are exploring all options. The film will work in all lanuages & pursuing the idea.” Kalakalappu is the story about how one guy struggles to save his ancestral restaurant from the clutches of a real estate developer. The film is said to be loosely inspired from a German film, Soul Kitchen. More details about this remake are expected to be revealed soon. Meanwhile, Anjali has become a crowdpuller of sorts even in Telugu. Ever since one of her Tamil films Engeyum Eppodhum was dubbed in Telugu as Journey, she has become quite a noted name in film circles and some producers are taking the risk of dubbing some of her earlier films in Telugu. T Ram Prasad has snapped the dubbing rights of Karungali, which stars Anjali, Sunitha Varma, Prabhakaran and Asmita in lead roles. The film is being dubbed in Telugu as Sathi Leelavathi.