Siddharth, Amala Paul starrer Love Failure has impressed critics and multiplex audience. When it comes to areas other than Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Vizag it’s a totally different story altogether. Our sources say that the film has collected a share of Rs 4 lakhs so far in East Godavari and it’s expected to collect another Rs 1 lakh in the final run. It’s true that the film is not custom made for everyone, but the critical acclaim which this film has got hasn’t been translating into box-office revenue in several centres in the state. Meanwhile, Siddharth is extremely happy with the response which his film has got as he was already in the safe zone before the release of the film. The new posters of the film boast about the reviews which the film got from several publications in print and online media. The film was directed by Balaji Mohan and S S Thaman composed the music. Bellamkonda Suresh presented the film.