Ee Rojullo opened in screens on March 23 and the word of mouth about the film has been quite positive so far. Maruthi, who directed the film, is getting good appreciation from all corners and the latest filmmaker to join the party is none other than RGV. Talking about the film, RGV said that Maruthi is the real trend setter, because he understand how to use 5D cameras properly to shoot the film and make it a hit. “Nenu 5D tho Dongalamutha peddha stars tho theesi saadhinchaleni success Ee rojullo unit adhaey 5 D tho kottha vallatho theesi saadhinchindi. Dongalamutha flop tho tera marugaina technology ni ee rojullo tho nirupinchina Maruti is real trend setter.Hey Maruti congrats once again! (sic),” RGV tweeted. The film starring Srinivas and Reshma was made on a shoe string budget and if the response from the audience on day one is anything to go by, it’ll go on to become a big hit in terms of return on investment. Sreenivas produced the film and JB composed the music.