Nani and Amala Paul will soon team up for a bilingual film. Samuthirakani, who had directed films like Shambo Shiva Shambo and Sangarshana, is going to direct the film. Apart from Nani and Amala Paul, Jayam Ravi is also going to play an important role. The film is expected to go on floors in June. Apparently, Amala Paul opted out of both Radhamohan’s Gauravam and Ravi Teja’s Saar Vastharu to be part of this project. Moreover, she said that she had to opt out of the projects citing lack of dates. She’ll soon fly to UK to join the cast of V V Vinayak, Ram Charan’s film for about twenty days. Meanwhile, Nani is awaiting the release of two of his upcoming films Eega and Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu, which will hit the screens later this month.