Neetu Chandra might not have had a great run as far as her career in Telugu films is concerned. She had acted in Sekhar Kammula’s Godavari and later played the lead role in Satyameva Jayahe opposite Rajasekhar. However, she told a newspaper recently that she has about six films in hand in Hindi alone. After completing all these projects, she’s going to produce a Bhojpuri film titled Deshwa. Neetu Chandra’s brother, Nithin is going to direct the film. She joins the league of actresses like Dia Mirza, Ameesha Patel and Preity Zinta who recently turned producers. Talking about her decision to produce her brother’s film, Neetu told the media, “In Bollywood, brother-sisters jodis like Zoya Akthar-Farhan Akthar and Farah Khan-Sajid Khan have been highly successful as producers and directors. We are following a similar path and I hope to do a film in my brother’s direction soon.”