The audio launch of Ram Charan’s upcoming film Racha is likely to be postponed to March 9, if the latest buzz is to be believed. Earlier, the producers of the film, Paras Jai and NV Prasad of Mega Supergood Films banner, had planned to launch the audio in a high profile event in Kurnool. The reason behind this latest development is still not clear and an official statement is yet to be made from the producers side. Directed by Sampath Nandi, the film has Ram Charan Tej, Tamannaah, Ajmal and Dev Gill in lead roles. Mani Sharma has composed the music. Racha is touted to be an action entertainer and one of the most expensive films ever made. Ram Charan Tej’s action, fights and songs shot in exotic locales in China are touted to be the film’s highlights. Racha is expected to hit the screens in late March or early April.