Shraddha Das is on a high these days. Going by the number of films she has signed in recent times, it comes as no surprise that the pretty actress is quite happy with the way things are going for her personally and professionally. Now, she has reportedly signed a three film deal with a prominent production house in Bollywood. Last year she was seen in Madhur Bhandarkar’s Dil Toh Bachcha Hai Ji and she got good reviews for her performance in the film. With this three film deal in Hindi, Shraddha Das has proved that she’s here to stay in Bollywood. Meanwhile, she has two films in Telugu including Rey and another untitled film opposite Mahesh Babu’s cousin. Apart from this, she’ll soon begin shooting for her upcoming multi-lingual film Dracula 3D later this month. Great going Shraddha.
Shraddha Das signs a three film deal in Hindi
Published on May 17, 2012 10:02 pm IST