Balakrishna’s upcoming mythological film, Sri Rama Rajyam is going to be censored tomorrow. Sources close to the film unit have told us that the censor certification will begin at 3 PM on November 11. Post-production and other minor works are going at full swing for the film’s grand release on November 17. Bapu has directed the film and Saibaba has produced this big budget venture. The film has Balakrishna as Lord Rama and Nayanthara has played Sita’s role. Akkineni Nageshwara Rao has donned Valmiki’s role. Ilayaraja has composed the music. There’s tremendous buzz about the film since it’s the first full fledged mythological film in more than a decade.
Sri Rama Rajyam to be censored tomorrow
Published on Nov 10, 2011 6:35 pm IST